Friday, February 28, 2014


After 18 months of negotiations, BBC News finally, on February 2nd, succeeded to speak with students from the main University, located in the capital , Pyongyang. Young Korean accepted in this school must have a strong mental because this is managed like army. Instead of military walks, it's the student that operates it. Once in the classroom, they have to perform by excellence in order not to be sent to labour camps. Their minds are blown by the idea that their supreme leader, Kim Jong-Un is a good person and they are proud of what he is doing for them. Between
the walls, the students are allowed to use computer which is for a restricted use: no email, no social media and no international news. They are not aware of our culture and the only thing they can learn about us, is our language. The goal of the university is to create men that will help to modernize the impoverish country.

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