Saturday, March 1, 2014

Shocking revelations

At dawn of a change, more and more confessions are being heard at the congress of Geneva where the human rights are debated. Recently, Ahn Myong-Chol, after 8 years of hard labour in concentration camps has been interviewed by the commission. Witness, victim and driver in the concentration camp, Ahn tells us about his horrible journey and more specifically about the atrocities taking over the human warmth. Encouraged to kill and even rewarded, Ahn admits he never killed no one. The most horrible thing he shares with us is the lack of empathy of the guardians of the camps. The story of the 3 dogs that escaped from their master and killed 5 poor children is to bloodcurdling us. Ahn finishes his story on a good note, leaving us with the hope that there are still few chances for them to escape even though this is not easy, Ahn did. 

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