Saturday, March 1, 2014

Key Resolve and Foal Eagle

Exercises for military preparations are in progress in Korea in order to test their state of war. Three times, in the night of monday to tuesday, a North Korean ship crossed the navy border in the South Korean zone. One time, the ship even entered the zone from 3,7 km which is a lot before any interventions from the other zone. After the third time, they had tested enough so that they fought back in their zone. Until april 18th, there will be other kinds of exercises going on in the peninsula. The first one is named ''Key Resolve'' and will last one week. Its main objective is to simulate data processing attack on computers. The second one named ''Foal Eagle'' will last 8 weeks and will mobilize the three kinds of army ; navy, landed and air force. Experts confirmed that the exercises will be less damaging then last year due to the lack of aircraft carriers and bombers.

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